Our Journey Across Cambodia to Inspire Education

By Published On: October 7, 2024

Our Journey Across Cambodia to Inspire Education

On 27th November 2024, we will embark on an ambitious week-long event, visiting some of Cambodia’s poorest provinces. Travelling 1,200 km (by vehicle) we will visit a number of schools and provide an inspiring, motivational and interactive presentation to approximately 450 pupils, as well as a team building and sports challenge.

Our aim is to make a meaningful difference, enabling the children to clearly understand how a complete & unbroken education will have a significant and positive impact on their lives.

In addition to the week’s activities, we are requesting sponsorship to leave a legacy at each school. The requirement of each school will differ, so we shall establish their needs by liaising with the school staff and assessing the situation first hand.

This legacy could range from the supply of textbooks & reading books, the upskilling of teachers, building bookcases for a library, repairs to school furniture, science equipment, stationary and so on.

Cambodia has been ranked 124th out of 138 countries in terms of educational quality. These challenges contribute to widespread inequality, as economic growth predominantly benefits the urban minority, leaving the rural majority at a disadvantage.

Some of Cambodia’s educational challenges include: –

  • Low Literacy Rates:The World Bank reports that 90% of 10-year-olds in Cambodia are unable to read simple sentences.
  • Low Reading Proficiency: More than half of children struggle to read or comprehend a simple story by the end of primary school.
  • High Dropout Rates: 55% of adolescents drop out by age 17.
  • Gender Disparity: Boys aged 7-14 have slightly lower literacy rates compared to girls.
  • Poor Learning Environments: Many children face poor-quality teaching, irregular attendance, and inadequate learning conditions.
  • Teacher Shortages: The country faces a shortage of qualified teachers, particularly in remote and under-resourced areas.
  • Pandemic Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic and related school closures worsened students’ reading skills and overall learning outcomes.

This will be the first time most of the pupils have experienced a presentation from western visitors.

We want this event to have a hugely positive impact on these children and be the start of our journey to support an education system and society that needs a helping hand.

Quite simply, we aim to “Inspire for the Future”.

About Little Acorns

Little Acorns currently supports vulnerable / orphaned children in Cambodia.

Our focus is to support the Future Light Organization (FLO). FLO’s needs align with our own objectives enabling us to support their day to day running costs including food, electricity, fire wood, medical / hygiene supplies. This close relationship enables us to witness first-hand that funds raised are used appropriately.

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